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Hesperantha (Schizostylis) Alba (for my file)


By Siris

Hesperantha (Schizostylis) Alba (for my file) (Hesperantha coccinea)

Definitely white, here's a flower to prove it. In pot before putting in borders.

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Don't think I've ever seen a white !, the pale pink you sent me last year has buds!

8 Oct, 2016


Smaller flowers than most. Red major does what it says on the tin!

8 Oct, 2016


One you don't see very often.......

9 Oct, 2016


Looked at it today, the flowers are opening and bigger. I noticed my older clump of pale pink has much larger flowers now it is more mature.

9 Oct, 2016


Yes they do change as they mature....

10 Oct, 2016


Started a dull day, but as the sun came out, the Hesperantha flowers expanded. Just realised that I have 3 tones of pink ones, because some are in the back and some the front, have labelled pale, medium and dark pink, so that makes 5 with the white just bought and Major that you gave me. Pic to follow. Just realised title incorrect, will rectify.

10 Oct, 2016


They are such good value plants, flower all summer long...

11 Oct, 2016


Your red flowered early, but the pinks have only just started.

12 Oct, 2016

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This photo is of species Hesperantha coccinea.

This photo is of "Hesperantha coccinea Alba. (Schizostylis)" in Siris's garden

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