Ivy roots
By Klahanie

18 Oct, 2016
They can be very strong and will kill the tree. This was here when we bought the property. I would cut all ivy on trees I want to keep.
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In the corner of our front garden, I call it my problem corner we have a telephone pole our side of the wall. Previous owners had planted a Whitebeam under it which I've been advised to cut down as it grows too tall for under the cable and they have planted ivy to grow up the pole. It is nearly at the top. The vines are same thickness as yours so I've got to get out there and try and cut it down. I'm not a big fan of ivy.
19 Oct, 2016
Ivy is evil. It hides rodents,breaks apart mortar as if strangulation of trees isn't enough.
I do like the dwarf Ivy's though.
20 Oct, 2016
Ivy is a trouble on Vancouver island.
20 Oct, 2016
I've been told that Ivy doesn't strangle trees , it only uses them as support. To kill a tree it would have to smother all the leaves which it could only do with a very little tree. It is good for wild life, roosting place for birds etc, but obviously it can be a problem in the wrong place such as on buildings & telegraph poles. The thick stems have broken a wall in my neighbour's garden.
22 Oct, 2016
I like ivy, and agree with feverfew so many benefits to wildlife, and in full flower which it is now gives the insects and especially honey bees a final feed before winter sets in.
Ivy produces lots of late nectar which most people dont realise.
22 Oct, 2016
Wise man and woman spoke.
22 Oct, 2016
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I have been doing the same and cutting down on one of my boundary walls. Some stems are like tree branches.
19 Oct, 2016