Leaning tower of banana.
By Stan510

19 Oct, 2016
The big storm with big winds..pushed this sizeable Ensente "maurelii" into a slight lean. But,any lean is a bad lean. That's a few hundred pounds of water in that plant.
Tomorrow I can see what I can do. Straighten it would be best case..cut down worst.
Its threatening a Santol- and that is irreplaceable. There are no large Santol plants ever for sale on the west coast. If they ever are it would be far more then I could afford!
The banana I can replace easily...small.,but they grow fast.
Comments on this photo
I was able to get it close to perfect again Jen. I tell you,when I used my shoulder to muscle it back into place while my arms put down concrete rubble rocks?,I could hear the water in this plant squish. 99% of this must be water. Put this in a giant dehydrator and I bet the whole plant shrinks down to a bag of basket moss look!
19 Oct, 2016
Love ensete Stan....ours is loving life in our tunnel..we had to move one as they were too close to each other . I was amazed how well it moved with only a small amount of roots.
20 Oct, 2016
Glad you managed to save it Stan
20 Oct, 2016
Wow! That must have been quite a storm. I don't ever remember seeing Ensete get moved in a storm. It's a very strong plant.
Was it the storm from last week? We didn't get one drop down here from that storm.
21 Oct, 2016
Sure was last weeks left over Typhoon. Wind and tons of rain. We got 1.75" In three days. That's a strong winter storms worth of rain. At 70f.
21 Oct, 2016
Yes, I heard about that big storm. I wish we had gotten some rain from it.
Is the tree with the burgundy leaves your mango flushing growth?
24 Oct, 2016
Thats it!...Baileys Marvel. Pushing 8'!
24 Oct, 2016
Yes, it's the one you posted. Next year you should get some good fruit. 8' mango trees start producing pretty well. You just can't let too many mangoes develop on a spike. One or two per flower spike is good on a small tree. Even larger trees three or four is the max for good-quality fruit.
Where did you buy the Bailey's Marvel mango tree?
25 Oct, 2016
Reagans in Fremont. It was taller then the Manila's. Same price. Back in 2010. It did get cut to a 2' stick in 2012 in a January freeze Andy. Its been all comeback since.
If we get another big cold event- I will cover and toss a spotlight under it.
25 Oct, 2016
Wow! Yes, it would be worth protecting it. It will become much hardier with age, though. Luckily, freezes are not common in Hayward.
Where did you purchase the Santol (Sandoricum koetjape) tree? Is is hardy outside in Hayward?
25 Oct, 2016
Pictures by stan510
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This photo is of species Ensente.
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I am so sorry to hear of the storms effect on your garden. Hope you manage to straighter it and not cut it down.
19 Oct, 2016