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Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wings' - Croton

Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wings' - Croton (Codiaeum variegatum 'Angel Wings' - Croton)

My Croton Angel Wings had a major infestation of spider mites this past summer (it happened in 2010, also) It lost several leaves. Fortunately, it's coming back strong now. Yay! Photo taken Oct. 28, 2016.

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I googled all over soucal..and I saw one -one single- croton outdoors. It was a Mammy. Considering how many are sold,they are really difficult to keep going year after year.
Thats one in a million Andy. Or close to it.

I havent seen an Angel wing for years for sale. Its all Petra and Mammy. Petra wont take even one frost. Mammy can..but I think last years record wet December followed by the 27th's coldest night of the year,got it.

31 Oct, 2016


I've seen a lot more than that here. lol! I know on Palmtalk several people here in San Diego grow many varieties. There's many at the San Diego Zoo growing outside in the ground and in pots.

Google can only pick up some much, unfortunately or fortunately. lol. You have to remember many of the crotons are grown under trees because they like semi-shade or just morning sun to their best.

Crotons definitely don't tolerate a lot of cold. I know in winter of 2010 in south Florida were badly damaged or killed.

1 Nov, 2016


I forgot to add I almost lost this croton in the summer of 2010 to a major spider mite infestation. It lost almost all it's leaves and I almost threw it in the trash. I gave it a systemic pesticide and it luckily came back.

1 Nov, 2016

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