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Lamium galeobdolon, the rampant one


By Siris

Lamium galeobdolon, the rampant one (Lamium galeobdolon (Goldnessel))

Lamium which increases rapidly by rooting along these long stems. Just noticed looking at the leaves the white and green are in reverse to the maculatum. Has yellow flowers in season.

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I see this growing wild in the hedgerows around here :)

14 Nov, 2016


I have to admit it is very attractive....

14 Nov, 2016


A garden escapee, Hywel.
Dd, I don't find it too big of a problem, and the yellow flowers are on a bit of a stalk, so fairly obvious.

15 Nov, 2016


We had it in the garden when we moved here, an escapee from next door!

15 Nov, 2016


The wild form grows in the hedgerows :)

15 Nov, 2016


Nice escapee.

15 Nov, 2016


This is the cultivated variety, but it still has bad habits!

18 Nov, 2016


I have a yellow one too,different markings to this,'Hermanns Pride',veeeery slow to get going it was sent to me as as one stem with a bit of root last year and still only one stem maybe next year it'll be bigger.

18 Nov, 2016


Same flowers as this Simbad, but your leaves have elongated blotches on them, nicer I think.

18 Nov, 2016


I have this one, it's happy in the woodland and it can do what it likes there without being a nuisance.

20 Nov, 2016


Very useful in the right place, Dawn.

20 Nov, 2016


It sure is. Right plant, right place - and all that......

21 Nov, 2016

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