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Mahonia budding up nicely...

Mahonia budding up nicely... (Mahonia x media (Lily of the valley bush) Charity)

It was pruned pretty hard, so wasn't sure We would get any flowers..

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But you have. ? Brilliant. Gorgeous aren't they.

1 Dec, 2016


They are Dawn, we need winter flowering shrubs, especially scented ones!

1 Dec, 2016


Yes, they blend into insignificance in summer but our winters are long and shrubs like this are invaluable. Good to know they can be pruned, thanks

1 Dec, 2016


Your stops them from getting too leggy!

1 Dec, 2016


Are you close to Hillier's Gardens Dd?

1 Dec, 2016


we are not far Dawn as the crow flies...

2 Dec, 2016


Love the perfume from the flowers.

3 Dec, 2016


Dd, thought you might be. Was listening on radio 2 to Michael Heseltine a week last Friday and he said he'd gleened inspiration from Hillier's for his own vast garden/arboretum.
Meadow, that's good to know.

3 Dec, 2016


Hilliers is so inspiring isn't it....I've never been of course, but have seen four of their Chelsea Gold displays, which are always my Best in Show. They are superb when it comes to shrubs, which is what I love for all year interest. As for the mahonia...I agree. Every summer it just fades to the background, but I am so grateful to see it in December. Mine hasn't opened its buds yet, but there are lots of them :)

5 Dec, 2016


K your correct Hillier's are well known for their shrubs and trees...our garden is mostly shrubs, especially evergreen ones, and I am always on the look out for more....!

6 Dec, 2016


Shrubs are vital I feel and in winter give it some backbone. Dd, So the mahonia pruning? Can you cut into the main trunk to stop it getting leggy? Mine has say a three foot stem with branches off, but would prefer it to be bushier.

10 Dec, 2016


Dawn, as Andrew said re his Mahonia prune hard and it takes a few years to recover, so if you have the patience to wait, go for it.......

20 Dec, 2016


I pruned mine quite hard and it didnt flower at all last year. But this year it has romped away and is flowering very well. So Its taken a year to rcover. It was definitely worth it as its a much better shape. I removed all the low branches and took out the tops.

20 Dec, 2016


Thank you everyone

23 Dec, 2016

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This photo is of "Mahonia xmedia Charity." in Dottydaisy2's garden

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