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Dietes grandiflora

Dietes grandiflora (Dietes grandiflora (Wild Iris))

It is getting harder to choose which photos to upload. But this is a member of the Iris family, and it blooms around 3 times a year.

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I have had Dietes bicolour outside in the garden for two years now, but it has never flowered.

17 Feb, 2017



17 Feb, 2017


I grew D. bicolor from seed, and it bloomed in the second year. The odd thing about it is that you shouldn't cut the flower stems down. The stems are perennial and will regrow flowers, year after year.

18 Feb, 2017


Thanks for that info, Wylie, if I get some flowers I will remember not to cut the stems. I did see a plant flowering inside a greenhouse in the Uk, thought I might lift, divide into 2 portions and grow part in the conservatory.

18 Feb, 2017


Fabulous !

19 Feb, 2017


That's the second piece of useful information from you, thank you. Putting into favourites. What time would you lift and divide a Dietes?

20 Feb, 2017


I have done it at the beginning of spring, when it is between flowerings. I also sent some to Simbad last fall. The Dietes bicolor made large clumps, so it was divided with a bread knife.

21 Feb, 2017


Thanks for that Wylie, I will divide mine v. soon, not tomorrow, rain forecast.

21 Feb, 2017

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