image Homebase cock
By Feverfew

25 Apr, 2017
Belongs to my neighbour. He didn't know where to put it,so I told him, on my fence post.
Comments on this photo
Yes, I'm fortunate with my neighbour. He's never had a garden before, this is his 2nd year & he's really into it, making some mistakes & learning along the way. He chopped down a Forsythia when he first came as he didn't know what it was. Now he's replaced it. I've given him lots of plants, "I'll whack it in," he says, he does & everything seems to grow for him. My plants, including the peony all face his way, to the sun. Annoying for me, great for him. We have a laugh about it. I go into his garden sometimes to look at my flowers smiling at him!
29 Apr, 2017
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Nice to have good neighbours !
25 Apr, 2017