By Meanie
- 25 Apr, 2017
This cost me a fiver last August out of the bargain bin in a local GC. I'm chuffed that it has survived the winter, admittedly in a pot in the greenhouse.
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If it hadn't come back this year it would have been a fiver wasted!
I need to bulk it up in a pot before trying some in the ground though.
25 Apr, 2017
Have you thought after it has bulked up, halving into pots and sinking one pot outside. That is what I am going to do with my Madeiran Watsonia bulbs, put one pot in a sheltered border position, then if that survives, turn it free into that space.
26 Apr, 2017
Fabulous I'm pleased it survived for you but then with your experienced green fingers I'm not surprised :o)
2 May, 2017
Siris - won't the pots increase the chance of rot? How quickly do Watsonia bulbs multiply? I have some W.meriana bulbs and some W.confusa coming along from seed too.
Amy - I was surprised!
7 May, 2017
I was thinking just in a pot in the border over the clement months, then bringing the pot back into the greenhouse to overwinter.
My Watsonia in pots, inside are bulking up slowly, but have yet to flower. I have one corm outside as a trial in a sheltered spot, that too has not flowered, but it is in rather tight to the bungalow wall, quite dry position. I leave a bought pillansii in the border, flowered last 3 years.
7 May, 2017
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What a bargain. You have done well there.
25 Apr, 2017