By Thrupennybit
- 1 Jun, 2017
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I have it cut back every year into a short ball shape Numbersfarn as you live further up the country to me perhaps yours will flower later than mine, after flowering just clip short to dense growth with shears into a shape my daughter clipped this last year straight after flowering.
1 Jun, 2017
That is lovely. Was thinking of getting one for this garden but as hubby has banned me from spending any more this year lol, it will have to go on my wish list for next year. :-)
2 Jun, 2017
Lol this was 99p from Aldi so your hubby cant afford 99p they start off like twigs but soon become like this.
2 Jun, 2017
Lol, think I can go for 99p :-). Only trouble is our nearest Aldi is over 10 miles away :-(
2 Jun, 2017
You will have to look out for one when shopping day comes ?
2 Jun, 2017
Lol, good idea :-).
2 Jun, 2017
2 Jun, 2017
I love ceanothus, my last one was so big I had to clip it back to shape each year but when it was about 6 or 7 it just died. I was told they are short lived.
4 Jun, 2017
Thank hou Green Finger it shall be taken out soon any way along with a Yucca and a hedge of lavender hopefully to be replaced by slabs because of the leaves and large tree seeds forming from the church yard next door which will make it easier to maintain as well.
4 Jun, 2017
Shame it & the lavender have to go but needs must be met.
5 Jun, 2017
Yes it will be easier to keep clean as I get all the leaves and bits blown into my hallway living room and kitchen when I open the doors bedroom to if windows are open and landing.
5 Jun, 2017
looks great - nice display
23 Aug, 2017
Thank you Fishandchips it's now been dug up my son has it now.
23 Aug, 2017
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That's certainly covered in a lot of flowers, beautiful. Mine is still mostly in bud with a few flowers, but doubt it will make such an impressive show.
1 Jun, 2017