The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Palm foliage...


By Stan510

Palm foliage... (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana)

This palm in Feb or so was pruned down to ONLY a spear...not a single frond on it was left.
Nice comeback!

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Its nice to see them reappear . Why did they cut it back?

18 Jun, 2017


They were worn looking over the cool,wet winter. Cleanup landscape crews do what they are told and I guess the apartment manager just wanted anything not looking its bets cut off. At least its still reachable from the 3rd floor. They don't bother the Mexican palms up there 50' or so.

I never prune mine..they look decent enough...although when I see fresh green fronds,I might cut the lower older off. But,soon it will be too tall for that.

19 Jun, 2017


Yes its good it still can be reached being smaller that others, that's good yours are ok yes I would do that with my fan palms any dead leaves below gets cut off.

19 Jun, 2017


That's horrible! King palms hate to be cut back so drastically. Most people don't realize it's a self-cleaning palm. :>(

28 Jun, 2017

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This photo is of species Archontophoenix cunninghamiana.

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