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Kentia Palms (Howea fosterana) and Mexican Fan Palms at a resort in Carlsbad, CA.

Kentia Palms (Howea fosterana) and Mexican Fan Palms at a resort in Carlsbad, CA.  (Howea forsteriana (Kentia palm), Washintonia robusta)

There's hundreds of Kentia palms and Mexican Fan palms at this resort along the beach in Carlsbad. Photo taken July 6, 2017.

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What spectacular varieties they have there.

19 Jul, 2017


Still have not seen a Howea locally in a front yard. Come to think of it- not even Inga Hoffman had one.
SO far my youngest is out front doing well.
All they really need is a good irrigation system. Keep them evenly watered. They are not palms to water when you feel like it.

20 Jul, 2017



There's several palm species at this resort in Carlsbad; however, Kentias were the dominant palm planted everywhere.

20 Jul, 2017



There's several Kentias planted in the Bay just got to find them. My friend's old house (a Palm Society Memeber) in Berkeley has several very tall old Kentias. He planted them as tall 24" boxes back around 1991 or 1992. Last pics I saw back 6 or 7 years ago, they were 25' tall trees.

20 Jul, 2017


I find different Palms are pleasant to look at they dont make a mess either at least you have Palms while we get trees that should be in a forest or woodland s on our streets shedding their leaves every where it would nt be so bad if they had pretty flowers or lovely variety of colours come Autumn .

20 Jul, 2017


Palms,Penny I read many years ago don't contribute to hay fever. One more positive to them. No sneezing with them.

20 Jul, 2017


That is a good thing then shame we dont live in a warmer climate to have them here.
I have sneezing fits all year round past few years especially when I get up not sure if it's the car fumes as my grandson has the same but when he goes to Chester in the country side he doesnt get it.

20 Jul, 2017

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