The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Cassia leptophylla - Gold Medallion Tree

Cassia leptophylla - Gold Medallion Tree (Cassia leptophylla - Gold Medallion Tree)

This Medallion Tree was in full flower in a parking lot in downtown San Diego, CA. It's a very common street and landscape tree here. Photo taken July 23, 2017.

Comments on this photo


Wow that is stunning is it hardy or tropical please.

26 Jul, 2017


I think it's tropical. It's native to the tropical, subtropical areas of Brazil.

27 Jul, 2017


Thank you Andy what a shame.

27 Jul, 2017


Yes, most trees, plants which grow here are tropical or subtropical in origin.

27 Jul, 2017


Thank you for letting me know.

27 Jul, 2017


I wasn't sure if you knew San Diego's climate is mild subtropical.

28 Jul, 2017


Yes you did say earlier Andy thank you.

28 Jul, 2017


Beautiful flowering tree! Shame we can't grow it here in the UK!

30 Jul, 2017



I thought I mentioned it in the past. :>))

30 Jul, 2017



Thanks! Yes, unfortunately, it most likely won't grow there.

30 Jul, 2017


☺ yes you did Andy I thought you would remember eventually.

30 Jul, 2017


I make so many comments I unfortunately can't remember them all. LOL!:>))

1 Aug, 2017


?? nor me as comments I have made dont read right because of predictive text brings other words up and I dont notice untill its to late.

1 Aug, 2017


Yes, that's common. lol.

3 Aug, 2017


Lol as I am finding out I just hope no rude or offensive words come up and I dont notice until its to late.?

3 Aug, 2017


I'm pretty easy-going. I don't get offended easily. :>))

5 Aug, 2017


Nor me unless it's blatantly meant .

5 Aug, 2017


Nor me I dont take ofence I take a gate lol unless of course it is blatantly meant.

5 Aug, 2017

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Cassia leptophylla - Gold Medallion Tree.

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