A pretty petunia
By Cinderella

27 Jul, 2017
Comments on this photo
My others are pretty well over Karen, they have been ripped to pieces by the torrential rain. Such a shame they were doing so well.
27 Jul, 2017
I love the ones with the white edging,Cinders..shame your others took such a bashing..mine haven't done to badly..yet ! I'm sure if you trim them back,you will still get another nice flush for a while yet...I'm going to do mine later :o)
28 Jul, 2017
Must admit, mine look pretty soggy now.
28 Jul, 2017
Sandra I have done that, but they still don't look good really.
28 Jul, 2017
Gorgeous lovely planting to.
28 Jul, 2017
Too much rain I guess,Cinders..a shame they have struggled this year,:o(
29 Jul, 2017
A lovely reminder of how mine used to look!
I am on the verge of emptying two pots of them that have suffered enough from this awful weather! I shall leave the pots empty, ready for bulbs.......and it is only early August! ??
3 Aug, 2017
Thanks 3D, Fraid so Sandra, so sad to see them struggling.
Wild rose I think I shall be doing the same thing, so pretty tho in a good summer.
3 Aug, 2017
We must be very lucky here,as mine aren't looking too bad at all..saying that,they will probably go over all at once before long..then I'll be doing the same as you,Cinders and Chris :o) x
3 Aug, 2017
Missed this one....lovely.
30 Aug, 2017
Thanks dotty
30 Aug, 2017
Had to pull up my purple ones yesterday,but all the white ones are still doing ok..not sticky yet,and still producing flowers..I guess they won't stand another trim now,so they won't last much longer...
4 Sep, 2017
Mine still flowering but past it's best, so nearly over.
4 Sep, 2017
Oh well,I guess they have done their best for us Cinders..I am going to bite the bullet later this week,and consign them to the compost bin :o)
4 Sep, 2017
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Thats lovely Cinders. I've been enjoying mine in baskets. They have a lovely scent too.
27 Jul, 2017