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Reptilian Love

Reptilian Love

They aren't my pets. They moved in of their own accord - they escaped from a local pet shop which is now defunct. Lucky lizards! They earn their keep by eating a bunch of bugs everyday especially ants. Above, the female is slightly larger. They dug out a little den under my patio, where they go to hibernate during winter. They survived a few extremely brutal winters. They don't need anything from me except to live in my garden. They are completely independent and look after themselves. Now I have baby lizards running around the garden. They are really cute.

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Fab green colour I am glad they found a good home does your cat try and get them lol .

I have "slow worms" in my garden.


17 Aug, 2017


Thanks, well, they camouflage so perfectly against the grass and ground, you hardly notice them. They climb through my boxwoods catching spiders, ants & and whatever else is there. Costello doesn't bother them. However, a couple got into the house and Costello caught them and brought them to me.

17 Aug, 2017


What great little helpers you have wonderful markings.

17 Aug, 2017


Thanks they really do help out plus I just like having them around.

17 Aug, 2017


I bet they are fascinating to watch to entertaining.

17 Aug, 2017


Yes, sometimes I'll come outside to find a few sunbathing on my patio. That's really funny.

17 Aug, 2017


Lol at least they don't ask for Sun screen lotion from you.?

17 Aug, 2017


They are so cute Paul plus you don't have food or vets bills to pay , do they have names ?

17 Aug, 2017


I don't have names for them there are a couple dozen out there by now. I agree, they are really cool to watch. They much rather be free to catch their own food. That's fine with me, lol

17 Aug, 2017


They are gorgeous.

18 Aug, 2017


Wonderful to watch them - I think 'wildlife pets' are the best because they are so independent :)

19 Aug, 2017


That's true Sheila and they really help out in the garden. The other day a robin fertilized my tomatoes for me.

19 Aug, 2017


Lol Paul :)

19 Aug, 2017

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