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Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange' - Hummingbird Plant, Rabbit Ears

Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange' - Hummingbird Plant, Rabbit Ears (Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange' - Hummingbird Plant, Rabbit Ears)

This shrub blooms most of the year. I love the bright flowers which attract hummingbirds. Photo taken Aug. 20, 2017.

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Such a pretty shrub I can see why humming birds are attracted to it

26 Aug, 2017


And there's a lot of hummingbirds around here.

26 Aug, 2017


You 'll have to get a photo of one I love humming birds they are fascinating to watch your very lucky to have them.

26 Aug, 2017


Yes, hummingbirds are here all year. They nest all in the trees here in late January and early February. The babies are usually gone my early March.

I have several pics of hummingbirds and babies in their nest on GoY. Unfortunately, I can't find the pics.

Almost every year they make nests in the tropical guava tree or Southern Magnolia. My neighbor's huge bottlebrush tree is a hummingbird hotel! lol!

27 Aug, 2017


Your very lucky Andy to have them each year shame they leave in March.

I shall wait then for future photo if you get any instead of your trawling through so may pictures to try and find them thank you for your effort though.

Your neighbour is lucky you to ? I have a bottle brush plant but no humming birds ? funny how they choode certain plants.

27 Aug, 2017


Yes, very lucky! The hummingbirds don't leave in March, the babies just leave the nest in March. The hummingbirds are here all year. They're always fighting for food! LOL!

My neighbor's bottlebrush is huge. It's hummingbirds major source of food. Bottlebrush trees bloom all year here in San Diego.

29 Aug, 2017


Ahrr so the its just the little ones that fledge from their nest? them fighting for the food so there is no pecking order then first up best dressed ? I bet they are fun then to sit and watch.

Thats wonderful that you have the Bottlebrush flowering constantanly through out the year they dont here.

29 Aug, 2017


Yes, the little ones get kicked out of the nest. The mother will usually take them somewhere else to secure their own food source. It is fun to watch them fight. I always though they were playing until I saw a documentary on how they fight for food sources.

It is very cute to see the hummingbirds come up to the hose when I'm watering. They do it all the time.

Yes, some bottlebrush trees here grow to 80 ft (24 m) tall and they do bloom all year. However, their heaviest bloom period is in spring and fall.

30 Aug, 2017


Interesting the parents take them to an area of their own to find their own food.

I bet it is fun watching them even if yhey are fighting for food survial of the fittest.

My goodness I did nt realise Bottlebrush grew that big thank goodness mine is a standard.

30 Aug, 2017


Many animals take their young to other areas for territory and food.

It is fun to watch the hummingbirds.

Yes, bottlebrush grows so large here. It's a very messy tree, also.

2 Sep, 2017


Yes once out of they are out of their nests here they are off to other parts.

I bet it is

I think I ll keep mine a standard then not letting it get messy.

2 Sep, 2017


Yes, that'a good idea. :>))

4 Sep, 2017


Thavnk you Andy as a standard in a high pot they survive here better I have found as my last one eas a shurb in the ground next to the wall of my house and the ground frost killed it.

4 Sep, 2017


Wow! It must have gotten very cold to kill a bottlbrush. I've never seen one damaged by cold in California.

5 Sep, 2017


Later I ll put some old photo s on a blog if they dont moan thets its not now of that year if I can find them I think it was 2010 hoar frost it was freezing you ll see then why I lost plants . Even the history site loved the pictures. I might live in the midlands nesr Shakesphere country but we can get the coldest weather here . So look out for the blog ?

5 Sep, 2017


I will keep an eye out for the blog. :>))

5 Sep, 2017


Its on now Andy thank you. :o))

5 Sep, 2017

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This photo is of species Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange' - Hummingbird Plant, Rabbit Ears.

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