Crinum hybrid
By Delonix1

26 Aug, 2017
This is my very beautiful Crimun hybrid which only flowers once a year. photo taken Aug. 20, 2017.
Comments on this photo
Yes, I love it, also. It's too bad it only blooms once a year.
26 Aug, 2017
Yes it is a shame but we can look forward to seeing it next year at least it comes back.
26 Aug, 2017
Yes, maybe one other stem may bloom in the next couple of weeks. There's three stems in this pot.
27 Aug, 2017
That's great shall look out for another photo then ☺
27 Aug, 2017
Hopefully, the other stems will flower!
29 Aug, 2017
I am sure they will Andy you have the weather for them to flower.
29 Aug, 2017
Yes, it like heat, just not full sun. The leaves burn very badly in full sun. My neighbor has some nice large Crinum plants; however, the leaves burn badly in the hot sun.
30 Aug, 2017
At least yours is nt burned I put plants that burn under big plants which shade them even potted plants . I habe one side shsdes most of the day and one side sunny the top gets esrly morning sun the bottom of my gsrden gets late afternoon sun of course thats when we get any sun lol
30 Aug, 2017
And what a beauty it is to love the colour.
26 Aug, 2017