Damage from car fire
By Jenlewis

21 Sep, 2017
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The other night just before 9pm I noticed that the traffic had been stopped outside our house. Oh went out to see what was going on and a young family had noticed smoke coming from the car and so had pulled over. Lucky on one was hurt but as you can see, the farmhouse just up the road, garden wall and plants didn't do so well. Do feel for them. Just walked the dogs pass and 2 days on it still stinks of burnt wood.
Comments on this photo
That must have been terrifying - thank goodness they got out in time.
21 Sep, 2017
How frightening for them especially the children :( I hope they were not too frightened.
21 Sep, 2017
When Hubby went out, he said the children were just sitting on the pavement. He asked the parents if they all wanted to come in door and have a cup of tea and wait in our house but they refused. He left them saying that if they wanted anything to just knock on the door. Did feel for them. Thank God no one was hurt.
22 Sep, 2017
Lets hope it does nt put the children off going in a car again glad to hear no one was hurt.
22 Sep, 2017
Walked pass again yesterday and this time looked up. Not only did it burn what you can see in photo but there was a tree behind the wall and half of that is all burnt. Also feel sorry for them with all the burnt plants now in their garden as they do take pride in their garden and always kept it very tidy. Like you I hope the children will be ok but at least the parents had said that as soon as they notice smoke they pulled over and all got out.
23 Sep, 2017
Yes its a shame about their garden but I am a great believer Jen things happen for a reason eg the tree might in future blow over with our weather and kill some one they are not called widow makers for nothing any way their insurance or tge car insurance should cover the damage to the garden and they might have a better garden at the end of it.
Having taken cars apart and dealing with scrap cars fires in cars are normally its an electrical fault the wiring the reason I never frove with doors locked especially on electric locking cars and electric windows. You should always carry a glass braking hammer in your door compartment easy to get to so you can get out of the window screen or back window. Yes the parents were wise enough to get get out quick soon as they seen smoke.
23 Sep, 2017
Years ago, my ex and I where coming back from France from holiday. We had an old car and just before we were getting on the ferry, we had smoke coming out of dashboard. Pulled over, ex located promble area and managed to stop it. It was a bit scary for a while but lucky nothing more happen. Ex and father in law were both into game shooting and had taken their guns with us. The ferry companies would always load us 1st to then take the guns to store during the crossing. There was us, in a old banger, at one stage having all the big posh cars moved out of our way, then smoke coming out of car. Got rid of that car for scrap soon after.
25 Sep, 2017
I once bought a car the brake light was nt working we checked getting it back home to see the cause not a fuse gone leads in the boot were ok lucky my son is good at electrics he traced it to behind the back of the dashboard having to dimantle all the dashboard to get at all the electrical wires to find all the wiring was melted and fused to gether which meant rewiring all the car.
You can openly check for rust the engine and oil to see if a head gasket has gone with water getting into the engine gear box, crown wheel and pinion , wheel bearings, track rod , chassie, suspension, ,engine mountings and axle and steering rack when viewing to buy a car but not behind a dash board to see if the electric wiring is ok.
25 Sep, 2017
Scary, you never know what is next...I now have a For Sale sign at the bottom of our driveway. It's actually for some land off the driveway... Nothing to do with us. However, strangers wander up to our house and think, oh, I will just have a look at the house for Sale.Our House is not the Sale!
And Thrupenny, you are so right. A man here was killed by a falling tree in a thunderstorm, waiting for a partner in the logging business.
27 Sep, 2017
Wells, Must make you feel like putting you own sign up saying something like "we are not for sale so please to not trespass". I would hate people just wondering around my property uninvited. Considering what we do for a living, it would scare the hell out of me.
Very true about trees, unfortunately we all seem to know someone killed or hurt by a tree.
Years ago I was dating a firerman and a lot of his call outs where due to electrical fires of some sort or other.
27 Sep, 2017
Wells, could you paint an arrow on the sign pointing away from your drive?
27 Sep, 2017
That's a great idea...Am talking to the seller who happens to live near us and hope we can resolve. Keep u posted.
Have to be careful how to treat your neighbors...
27 Sep, 2017
That is a much better idea Stera, sorry to you both, was not having a brilliant day yesterday (stress from work and awkward customers.) Wish all neighbours thought the same as you Wells. I have really tried with ours, but unfortunately my only neighbour doesn't think the same way. Still won't cut their hedges, drills holes in our wall their side without a word to us and lots of other things like that. the lastest is now when she sweeps outside her property, she just sweeps it over to infront of my house. They have also fallen out with the shop next door and the land owner behind them so st least I know it's not just me.
28 Sep, 2017
I guess on a bad day you're tempted to sneak out at night and sweep it all back again..It reminds me of a lady who was tired of a neighbour allowing her dog to dirty the bottom of her drive. One day she lay in wait with trowel, followed the woman and tipped the offending stuff into her basket. I don't suppose it was a good way to make friends though, lol...
28 Sep, 2017
I have been very good and just cleaned it up. Did have to give myself a talk :-). Decided that I wasn't going to their level and just choose which battles to fight.
28 Sep, 2017
Good for you. Retaliation does nothing but increase emnity.
29 Sep, 2017
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9 Mar, 2012
Phew, that was a lucky escape!
21 Sep, 2017