Heliconia schiedeana - Claw Flower
By Delonix1
- 30 Sep, 2017
- 1 like
This is my Heliconia which is growing well this year. It hasn't flowered in two years because of the horrible, severe 6 year drought. It still may flower by the end of this year...I hope. Photo taken Sept. 16, 2017.
Comments on this photo
It's looking good. It was so dry and awful looking last year.
1 Oct, 2017
Yes it looks healthy in the photo I am not suprised it was awful last year if it survived those years of droughts.
1 Oct, 2017
Heliconia species love water...they can sit in water and not have many problems.
I lost three different types of Heliconia in the horrible drought.
I think I'd like to grow H. rostrata and lathispatha.
1 Oct, 2017
What a shame some times I wonder if its best sticking to native plants.
Are H. rostrata and lathispatha better in droughts.
2 Oct, 2017
I like some California natives; however, I don't like the fact that many go dormant in summer. Yuck! Most bloom and grow well in the winter rains.
People who have a very good drip system have really good luck with plants that need a lot of water. The water goes directly to the roots without wasting water.
2 Oct, 2017
Yes I know what you mean going dormant .
You shall have to get a drip system Andy.
2 Oct, 2017
Some plants here just go semi-dormant...that's usually in winter. I don't like plants which go sem-dormant or dormant in the middle of summer, though.
My friend has been saying get a drip system to me for years. lol!
3 Oct, 2017
Yes I can understand you not wanting plants that are dormant through summer.
You will have to get one installed then and quick lol
3 Oct, 2017
My horticulturist friend even offered a drop system to me for free! lol!
4 Oct, 2017
Thats great are you going to take it.
4 Oct, 2017
I'll still have to think about it. lol! :>))
5 Oct, 2017
Accept it then think about it ? as you might regret it later .
5 Oct, 2017
It would be definitely be good to have it when the days are shorter in winter and I don't have time to water.
5 Oct, 2017
What palm is that? If its Dypsis lutescens nice job on getting so green.
5 Oct, 2017
No, my Dypsis lutescens are in the front yard and by the back door in a huge pot. Dypsis lutescens is only really green in a lot of shade. There's several here. The ones in sun are always golden-colored, hence, the common name Golden Cane palm.
The palm is Chamaedorea radicalis 'trunking form'. It's growing so well. It think it's 7' tall.
7 Oct, 2017
Ah really nice. I give up on that family in ground. But I still have some in pots. Hardy,tough..slow growing. Its ok.
8 Oct, 2017
I love Chamaedorea species! They grow very well in the SF Bay Area. I have several species of Chamaedorea. They're usually very easy to grow, with the exception of a few species.
8 Oct, 2017
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This photo is of species Heliconia schiedeana - Claw Flower.
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14 May, 2014
It look s very big shame you have such droughts I shall look forward to seeing it in flower let hope it flowers later for you.
30 Sep, 2017