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Storm damage


By Lori

Storm damage

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We have high winds here today Lori. But no damage that I can see so far.

2 Oct, 2017


Such a shame Lori 70mph winds predicted here to.

2 Oct, 2017


Just my potted Dahlias and Chrysanths all far..but I think the worst is over now.

2 Oct, 2017


We've been away for a few days so haven't had a chance to look round the garden yet ! I'm glad your house wasn't there Lori !

2 Oct, 2017


The power of nature is sobering... isn't it? I'm glad I'm not living in Florida or in the Caribbean.

6 Oct, 2017


It certainly is Lori yes they ve had terrible storms nature mightier than man.

6 Oct, 2017



Wow! Is your weather changing? It must have been a really big storm.

10 Oct, 2017


Have you ever heard someone describe the sound of a tornado as "sounds like a freight train approaching".?.. The storm that took down these trees was just that! The light was weird, yellow with a greenish cast, the air seemed abnormally still, and in seconds it became furious! For the second time since moving here, I stood at a window and watched a tree destruct. One second standing..then next on the ground...Crash! this one uprooted... the other snapped.

10 Oct, 2017


Yes, I have heard that expression. It sounds a little frightening. We occasionally have severe thunderstorms here and have had tornado warnings. It's not too common, though.

The last time we had really horrible severe thunderstorms was back in Sept of 2015 (which caused a lot of damage). It was from remnants of Hurricane Odile.

16 Oct, 2017

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