In Flower Now
By Siris
- 5 Oct, 2017
Just some of the plants in flower now, October 5th
Comments on this photo
5 Oct, 2017
That's just flowers, foliage and berries not included.
5 Oct, 2017
That's incredible Siris - well done you :)
6 Oct, 2017
I think the garden has appreciated all the rain we've had. Usually by this time the soil is really dry.
6 Oct, 2017
I hope my H bluebird flowers well in the future ?
7 Oct, 2017
great selection ...
7 Oct, 2017
Dawn, your Bluebird is 3? years old, same as this one, but. has always been confined to a pot, so stunted by comparison.
Thanks Gnarley, I've 2 plants of Iris Scented Blue with flowerbuds, 1 of I. Again &Again and my newish Daylily Black Arrowhead has a flower stalk developing. Will the frosts get them?
7 Oct, 2017
What lovely varieties you have there
7 Oct, 2017
Siris, planted the Hibiscuses in my new space so should be perfect! Should romp away now free from pots. I have an iris in bud? Frosts here very likely :-(
7 Oct, 2017
I would cut the flower off and save the plants energy for next year ....
8 Oct, 2017
Dawn, your area is so much colder I think, any frost you get will turn the flower to mush.
Gnarley, the Iris rhizomes that are going to flower will shrivel anyway, so I may as well enjoy those flowers. A scented blue flowered last year 22 Oct. Again and Again flowered Dec, 2years ago. The Daylily is one of 3 roots, so I'll leave I think.
8 Oct, 2017
Thanks for the advice :)
8 Oct, 2017
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Thats very impressive Siris....not bad for October!!
5 Oct, 2017