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Plumeria 'Tomlinson'

Plumeria 'Tomlinson'  (Plumeria 'Tomlinson')

My Plumeria 'Tomlinson' is flowering again and has new buds. It usually has an intenser lavender-pink color to the flowers; however, it has been too shaded by the bigger trees in the back yard. Photo taken Oct. 4, 2017.

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Stunning colours in this Andy

8 Oct, 2017


Thanks! I like when the color is more lavender-pink. It's getting too shaded.

8 Oct, 2017


Can you not move it or is it in the ground.

9 Oct, 2017


It's in the ground, it's been in the ground since I was given it as a large cutting. I'm going to cut back the big Ficus cyathistipula and some Angel's Trumpets around it.

10 Oct, 2017


Bet its a picture to see in the ground . Good idea cutting back other plants that shade it so it can get more sun.

10 Oct, 2017


Yes, especially with winter coming. This back yard does still get a lot of hot sun during the winter. It faces to the south.

12 Oct, 2017


So you get sun all day long with facing south.

12 Oct, 2017


Yes, all day long and most of the year here it's sunny. This is why my house stays nice and warm in winter, also. I very rarely have to use the furnace, luckily. :>))

13 Oct, 2017


Still gorgeous though....

13 Oct, 2017


Your lucky not having to have heating on . A furnace ?

14 Oct, 2017



Thank you! It has more flower spikes coming out. :>))

15 Oct, 2017



The furnace (central heating) is rarely used in my house. I know some home in San Diego were build without heating. Luckily, most of the year we don't need to use the heater; however, we do get cold fronts move down from the north and it can get pretty chilly here. Fortunately, the cold weather only usually lasts for only a couple of days.

15 Oct, 2017


Yes I would of thought you had cold nights to being close to a desert. Your lucky you only have a few day of chilky weather. Thank you for explaing you have central heating a furnace here is some think we would class as heating a large business building or for burning dead bodies cremation lol.

15 Oct, 2017


The average morning low in January are: 50 - 55ºF (10 - 13ºC) and the average highs are: 67 -70ºF (19 - 21ºC), although it can be much warmer.

16 Oct, 2017


Quite warm them your lucky .

16 Oct, 2017


Yes, cool winter weather luckily doesn't visit San Diego very often. When it does it usually is only just a couple of days and it gets warm to hot again.

18 Oct, 2017


Yes your lucky you dont get the cold weather there but if you did you could grow some of our plants ?

I would nt mind the warmth but not hot.4

18 Oct, 2017


Yes, I could. :>))

I love the warmth; however, this heat is starting to get to me. It's been hot since last Saturday.

18 Oct, 2017


I dont know how you mange in it especially it affecting your sleep and then go to work do you have fans at work.

18 Oct, 2017


I really need to turn on the ac, but I'm too cheap and it's very expensive. lol!

19 Oct, 2017


lol you sound just like me sitting here in the cold with my coat on like mum use to times dont change much still not a world controlled good is it.

20 Oct, 2017


Isn't that the truth! LOL!

I will probably have to turn on the ac this coming Sunday through Wednesday. The heat will be extreme. It's so nice and comfortable tonight, though. A front came through this morning and cooled us down a bit; however, tomorrow will be a much different story! The temps will climb 10 to 15 degree tomorrow from today and much higher Sunday. UGH!

21 Oct, 2017


Yep just greedy sadistic controlers of the world that loves money or gold so they live the rich life.

I think I would be to Andy at least we can add cloths in the cold to keep warm bjt you cant take any more clothes off to keep cool if you understand what I mean ?
Well thats good then your weather was comfortable last night and you have a cool weather front in the morning.

Such an increase in degrees today for you and another on Sunday I think I would sit in my car with the A/C on lol

21 Oct, 2017


You may think sitting in the car with the ac running is crazy. I've done it before. A few times I got so over heated that I needed to go into my car for a very quick cool down.

Heat-related illnesses are extremely serious. When it gets super hot and humid especially in July, August and Sept the hospitals get swamped with people regarding Hyperthermia and Heat stroke (which is extremely serious and always life-threatening). Heat stroke can kill a person within minutes!

21 Oct, 2017


I dont think its crazy at all Andy hence why I said I would sit in the car with the ac on. I dont blame you its sensable thing to do .. My dad use to say if we left doors open in the house bare in mind 9 of us in a two bedroom house at the time he would say if he was cold I ll go and sit in the bl..dy car its warmer lol .

Yes I know heat related illness like heat stroke can be leathal I know many here have had it in the mid 1970s heat wave also people who fall asleep while sun bathing. Yes same here with our hospital with the cold last year our hospital and others refused to take any patients to many people they could nt cope the system had collapsed.

21 Oct, 2017


It's forecasted to be 106 to 108ºF (41.1 to 42.2ºC) here today. Last night was extremely HOT! The nights definitely don't feel like late October. It's not too unusual to be this hot during the day here; however, the nights are not usually this hot. By next Monday the temps should be back to normal. We have a lot of heat until then. UGH! :>((

24 Oct, 2017


Poor you roll on mext Monday I bet it ca t come quick enough for you .

24 Oct, 2017


It was absolutely sweltering hot today! It's still 85ºF (30ºC) at about 1:00 am. I can't believe it's still this hot at this time of night. It's not unusual for July, August, Sept.;however, for time of year and this time of night it's very hot.

25 Oct, 2017


I dont know how you survive in it Andy think I prefer cold to hot like your getting . Strange how its getting so hot for so long there.

25 Oct, 2017


So many people here are really complaining now. It will stay pretty hot through Sunday then some cooler weather will be here by next week. Yay!

Having my ac on high in the car at 10:00 p.m. at night is crazy! Typically, I can just have the windows down at night to cool down the car.

26 Oct, 2017


Yes I imagine they are Andy when it is not the norm. Some thing for you to look forward to at least let hope it does go cooler.

Yes it is crazy at that time of night do you work nights then or just saving on ac in the house. ?

26 Oct, 2017

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