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Aechmea 'Blue Tango'

Aechmea 'Blue Tango' (Aechmea)

I put this in my woods about 5 years ago. It was a rescue plant - a friend had bought a pretty plant at the supermarket, and of course, it lasted several months then did nothing but produce some pups, but no more flowers (which it is supposed to do). He gave up and gave it to me - they are expensive, so I gave it a try and planted it in my woods. He had it in full sun, I gave it dappled shade. I noticed it the other day, that the flower stalk was coming up. Unfortunately, it is close to the road, so I won't be surprised if someone yanks it up. But there are more further back.

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Its stunning Wylie I had one like this called Blue Rain once the flower died nothing came of it so I to gave mine away.

15 Oct, 2017


It takes a little while for the pups to start growing. Once they are well developed, you can cut the parent down to the ground because it won't do anything again. One of my Billbergias has put up a flower stalk, and around Christmas time I should have several of those in flower. The Billergias do really well here - I need to dig and toss the old parts, like you would with an Iris.

15 Oct, 2017


Ahrr thanks for explaing a out the pups Wylie. Billergias are lovely plants I shall look firward to seeing yours you seem ti have the right conditions for them then. Interesting tgey are treated like an Iris.

16 Oct, 2017


I was looking at how much the Billbergia nutens in my woods have spread, and it won't be too many years when I have to thin them out. I had some I thought were too damaged to plant, so I tossed into a area that is now full of them growing happily.

16 Oct, 2017


Brilliant lol it just shows its best to just toss them and they grow great typical lol

16 Oct, 2017


That was well worth adopting!

17 Oct, 2017

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