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A wild gift


By Aleyna

A wild gift

This last sunday hubby and I visited our piece of land.
I was very happy to see the wild flowers, rose, blues and yellow popping all over the land.
I have no idea about the identification, but working on it.

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Reminds me of a Lupin that was flowering in a garden my wife & I passed on our way back home from town this morning!

16 Oct, 2017


Snap Balcony!

16 Oct, 2017


A few people refered to it as Lupinus. However a Botanist said we don't have Lupinus in Brazil.
Finally I found a very close picture and explanation saying it is a Tremoceiro - Lupinus Consentinii - West Australian Blue Lupinus.
Now, does anybody explains how is this growing all over the land. How this plant ended up here.
I'm very happy because is blue and i like blue flowers.
I need tips about how to cultivate it.

17 Oct, 2017


Come to think of it I've seen it in the South of France.

3 Feb, 2018

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