Stan plants another Mango seed.
By Stan510

20 Oct, 2017
The wife grumbles..but this was by far the largest seed from I Mango I've ever seen. The Mango itself was huge..enough for two people. Its probably a Keitt considering the time of year.
Nothing in life is a guarantee,but as a gardener I still think I will be around to see it as a tree.
Comments on this photo
Ruth Bancroft who started the famous Cactus and Succulent garden,was in her 50's when she started it back in the 1970's. She's 102 now? Something like that.
I still have a hard time with the idea I have a limit. Thinking part- yes,emotional Actually Penney,I think i should be 24 forever.
I liked that age
20 Oct, 2017
Ruth is doing well then to live to 102.
Just dont think about it Stan just live life to the full. lol yes we all have a favourite time in life we enjoyed and we would like to be in off hand I cannot think of one.
20 Oct, 2017
The mango seed is unbelievable! Very greedy really as there's not a lot of room for the fruity bit!
20 Oct, 2017
Ster,thats just the husk. But,its one huge seed for a Mango. I've started them before and this is a Baby Huey compared to those!
20 Oct, 2017
I grew one from seed but it didn't grow very fast. I think it didn't like my kitchen. :0)
21 Oct, 2017
Oh - glad to hear there was some fruit round it then!
21 Oct, 2017
It's a Keitt mango seed, right? It typically is a large seed. I have several I'm starting from seed. I just put them into pot a few days ago. Also, I'm putting my 3' mango tree into the ground in a few days (it's way too hot now). I'll see how fast it'll grow in the ground.
25 Oct, 2017
Remember I posted the google view of a Mango in Huntington Beach- the ocean was down the street. from 2011 when it showed as 2' or 2015 when it was 8-10' with fruit shows how fast they grow.
Repeat- ( I wonder what it looks like now in 2017),-117.9013037,3a,73.7y,234.33h,102.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSrQRI4NNrO94FyL-6nZPOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=
Push slider to 2015...
25 Oct, 2017
Was it cut down?
26 Oct, 2017
No,I posted the 2011 view. Its there as a wee 2' seedling. Push the slider to 2015
You are quite a bit warmer then Newport Beach. Probably get that growth in much less time.
26 Oct, 2017
Ok, I'll check it out.
Yes, it's a lot hotter here than in Newport Beach. This is what concerns me. It may grow too fast for the spot.
26 Oct, 2017
WeatherUnderground said the low in Honolulu 2 days ago was a 57f...but a high of 85f made up for that.
26 Oct, 2017
That just absolutely amazes me! I'm from Honolulu, don't remember it being this cool in October (I guess it was a record low). That's a temperature that's more apt for San Diego...the cooler night and warmer day (for this time of the year).
27 Oct, 2017
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lol Stan seldom do OH s have the same interests. It looks very big glad you shall live to see it grow into a tree but doubtful I will. Your Mango sounds huge big enough for two.
20 Oct, 2017