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A cross between Amaryllis and Nerine.

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21 Oct, 2017


This fills the gap between the time Amaryllis bloom and when the Nerine bloom, which should be this next week.

22 Oct, 2017


When you say its a cross, did you mean you'd crossed it yourself?

22 Oct, 2017


No, I got it from Greece. I haven't figured out how to freeze pollen for 2 months to make it work. I am growing some that I crossed of Hippeastrum and Sprekelia.

23 Oct, 2017


Good grief! Well best of luck to you!

23 Oct, 2017


It is something to try again next year :)

23 Oct, 2017


What a stunner never seen one like it before.

24 Oct, 2017


It is much larger than a nerine. If you look into the history of it, several British botanists did work on crossing members of the Amaryllid family in Victorian times.

25 Oct, 2017


Than you I shall have a read up on it tomorrow yes British botanists especially in the Victorian era were traveling around the world collecting rare species and still are today but we seldom get tv programs on it.

25 Oct, 2017


Here, they just showed the episode of Midsomer Murders with the lady orchid smuggler got killed over a yellow Roth. A nature program on the subject would get too complicated very fast.

26 Oct, 2017


Yes lol I ve seen that episode of the Yellow Roth . Its programs of filmimg explorers while traveling to bring back different species from different country s I ve seen one on Orchids and ones on plants with medicial properties also where scientist go exploreing in the rain forests gathering insects and animals never seen before also on plants but rarely see programs like this do we get.

26 Oct, 2017


Beautiful, Wylie! I have grown xAmarcrinum here, but that wasn't too successful--it seemed confused as to when to grow and when to bloom. I wonder if xAmarine would do any better.

26 Nov, 2017


I don't water this very often in the summer, but don't let the soil go extremely dry; and it needs very well drained soil to avoid root problems. It will have leaves all winter, so no frost.
I do have some xAmarcrinums growing from seed. I crossed Amaryllis belladonna 'Fred Meyer White' with Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet'. This particular crinum remains evergreen (my other crinums die back), the bulbs are the same way. Hopefully next year they will bloom for the first time.

26 Nov, 2017


Good luck with the bloom, Wylie! Those are beautiful parents.
Here, most Crinums grow and bloom in the summer, and lose their leaves in the winter. C, x powellii varieties remain evergreen, and I haven't had a chance to grow 'Ellen Bosanquet' yet--good to hear that yours are evergreen.
Amaryllis, of course, loses its leaves in the summer. My xAmarcrinum tried to be evergreen, but got very sick in the summer, probably due to our extreme temperatures, and never bloomed.

27 Nov, 2017


C. moorei has naturalized on several of the islands, and my bulbs of it have gotten larger than a football. Those have gone to rest for the winter. Any day I should be receiving a bulb of Paramongaia weberbaueri, the Peruvian coastal form instead of the Ecuadorian form.

27 Nov, 2017


I had to look that one up, Wylie, but it looks like a beautiful addition. This site may be useful:
It looks like a first cousin of Hymenocallis and Eucharis, too.

27 Nov, 2017


I am a member of the Pacific Bulb Society. They have a newsletter/e-mail almost every day that has a lot of great tips on how to grow bulbs and the propagation of them. I had a choice of the Peruvian or Ecuadorian, and after reading about the growing conditions on the PBS site, chose the Peruvian because of how high up the other one grows. The bulb came in todays mail!

27 Nov, 2017


I should have known you were a member, Wylie. Even though you live in the Atlantic, your climate sure sounds like Malibu Beach! :)

27 Nov, 2017


Actually, it is more like the San Francisco Bay Area (where I was born & raised). Anywhere below Santa Cruz is too hot for me (except coastal San Diego). Yesterday there was a lot of fog, which I really like. Today, more rain. It has rained almost every day for the last 3 weeks

28 Nov, 2017

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