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Billbergia macrocalyx

Billbergia macrocalyx

It is the start of bromeliad season, and here is a large Billbergia. B. nutens should open next month. It is easy to care for, but it is a little top heavy. The leaves are a little faded because it gets too much sun.

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Lovely red colour cant wait to see this in flower. Do they like well drained soil.?

24 Oct, 2017


The only real purpose of soil is to anchor the plant. They often grow in trees, so a very rocky soil gives the roots something to grab onto. You water into the cup and let a little overflow. The biggest problems when growing it in a vase is tipping and it acts like an iris with the parent having pups and never flowering again, so you divide it by replanting the offsets and tossing the parent.

25 Oct, 2017


Yes I understand like some Orchids grow in trees . I ve had plants where you wster in the cup . Ahrr so you have to have the pups for a new plant then.

25 Oct, 2017


I just ordered 3 more bromeliads, and will get pups to grow for a couple of years before the first flowers. It will be the first time I try Hohenbergia stellate. I use a planting medium for orchids to grow them in.

26 Oct, 2017


Thats great you ve ordered 3 more Bromeliads cant wait to see them .

Does Hohenbergia stellate have red flowers from the centre?

So you grow them in pots then.

26 Oct, 2017


Yes, the Hohenbergia is red. I grow them in pots because I have them just outside my back door on some steps. It is an area that gets little sun and is easy to provide water. I am going to arrange a permanent place in my mid-garden area. I just need to make sure it gets enough shade in the summer.

26 Oct, 2017


Thank you for confirming Wylie.
That sounds lovely on steps next to the house like the Italians do with their Herbs and Geraniums. You ll have to put a photo when you ve put them in your mid garden I hope it is shady enough there for them.

26 Oct, 2017

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