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I mistreat mine, as in, don't water it for months on end, but it still forgives me by putting on a great show each year.

6 Dec, 2017


Me too Sue. They thrive in neglect - my kind of plant. I'm going to buy a jade plant today. Have you seen them? They also thrive on neglect.

6 Dec, 2017


Seen a jade plant in flower in a large heated green house in the U.K. also in warmer climes counytries, exotic.

7 Dec, 2017


Funny you mentioned jade plant. I was just studying jade plant and looking at pictures. My mother always had jade plant and I'd like one in memory of her. I love how they thrive on neglect - my kind of plant. I have a place in my porch for one. Also wax plant (Hoya Australis) is another one I like.

7 Dec, 2017


Your Christmas cactus looks terrific!

Jade plants grow wild here in San Diego and are starting to flower. They grow pretty large also, to at least 7 ft usually they top out 10 to 12 ft max. They thrive on no water.

Hoya species are good cyclone fence plants here (or on trees). They grow fast and bloom most of the year here with little water.

11 Dec, 2017


Good to know that Andy. I love how you can shape the Jade plant to look like a bonsai.

11 Dec, 2017


Yes, Jade plants are extremely to easy to shape. The only problem is that they multiply like crazy by the leaves and little branches. My across-the-street neighbor had a huge forest of giant jade plants in their back yard years ago. It took them a year to remove most of them and that was after filling a giant dumpster full of them. They only have them in the front now.

12 Dec, 2017


Wow, that's amazing - a Jade Plant forest! Stan posted a few pics of gargantuan Jade plants.

13 Dec, 2017


In the SF Bay Area jade plants grow very large, also. My Aunt had one that was 8' tall in Hayward (where Stan lives).

I don't have too many pics of Jade plants because they're so common here. lol!

Here's one from a few years back.

14 Dec, 2017


In Stan's pic, the Jade plant grew past the roof - at least 10 feet. Mine is in a shallow 6 inch bonsai dish. LOL. There is one on exhibit at the NY Botanical Gardens that is just 4 feet

14 Dec, 2017


Such a vivid colour a beauty.

14 Dec, 2017


Thank you.

14 Dec, 2017


Your welcome Bathgate ☺

15 Dec, 2017



In two to four years a jade plant can grow to 4 or 5 ft. (especially if it's well-watered in summer).

The tallest jade plant I ever saw in the San Francisco Bay Area was around 12 or 14 feet tall. It literally looked like a tree. I wish I had taken a photo of it. It was back in the mid-80's somewhere in Newark (east bay).

16 Dec, 2017

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