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Birdsnest fern in birdbath..


By Stan510

Birdsnest fern in birdbath.. (Asplenium australasicum (Birds Nest Fern))

I had to take it off the pedestal..too tall now with a trunk. Not sure how tall a trunk they get. This fern is about 10 years old.

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It looks great! I had some growing outside there. It loves the SF Bay Area! The trunk can grow to a little more than a foot, in time.

10 Dec, 2017


This is at a foot or more. The angle. I have a possum around Andy who's eaten all the maidenhair ferns under the tree fern. It was like a groundcover..bare now. Ate the Impatiens too.
The empty lot bordering the greenbelt brings all kinds of wildlife after dark.

11 Dec, 2017


Because he eats fern fiddleheads of those Mother ferns..and because that tree just out competes them for can see to the right where I dug it up and potted it a few days ago.
I have get saucers too- or the tree roots will go up the pot openings and fill the pot with tree roots. Like some kind of Alien!

11 Dec, 2017


What a beauty

14 Dec, 2017

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