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Lots of snow here

Lots of snow here

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That looks deep :O

12 Dec, 2017


Drifted a bit Hywel, we got about three inches, did you get much?

12 Dec, 2017


Only a dusting on the roofs one morning, and a bit on the highest hills.

12 Dec, 2017


Looks so pretty. Take care on your bridge, I slipped on my domed bridge (little brother to yours) fell onto the rail, broke it and think I've sprung a rib. Two weeks on still painful. OH has covered my bridge base with chicken wire now.

13 Dec, 2017


Brrrr Dawn!

Oh Siris,,what are you like.....Hope you soon feellbetter.

13 Dec, 2017


You were lucky Hywel.
Siris, you weren't lucky.boh dear, how painful, bruised ribs are so bad, we've got chicken wire on the railway sleeper bridge but not that one you see here. I'm awkward, can trip over a feather!

14 Dec, 2017


Reminiscent of 2010, isn't it, what a ghastly thought, another winter like that one. Looks really pretty though...

14 Dec, 2017


Lovely scenic picture Dawn looks beautiful.

15 Dec, 2017


Thanks 3d. Yes Bamboo I agree, I think it was something like -20 on Christmas Day 2010.

16 Dec, 2017


16 Dec, 2017


-20! Bloomin' eck... All I know is, that long, heavy wool greatcoat (to my ankles) that I put out for the charity people is now hanging on the hook inside the front door - I've worn it three times this week, my legs are freezing in anything else. Bit of a pain coming upstairs to my flat in it, but so much warmer than anything else; come to think of it, I haven't worn it since 2010...

16 Dec, 2017


It’s my ears that cold, imagine being outside for hours without a hat and gloves. Your long wool coat sounds perfect. Lets hope it moves from the hook on the front door very soon for another 7 years, we certainly don’t want a repeat if 2010. I remember Christmas Day that year particularly well because my husband was at work, dealing with lots of problems with ice, and front door lock froze and our neighbours water supply pipe to the house froze so she came round ours for a shower.

17 Dec, 2017


I remember my son in Bristol, who'd had a new condensing central heating boiler fitted earlier in the year, had to keep the heating running night and day to stop the condensate exit pipe freezing. It froze initially and the heating wouldn't work, so the engineer who came out, once it was defrosted, said that's what they needed to do. Pipe's since been moved, but Christmas there that year was like being in the Bahamas, far too hot at night indoors, and weird with 2 feet of snow and ice outdoors. I don't think they were the only ones that happened to either, as I recall...

17 Dec, 2017


It's unbelievable isn't it. Wellness rained today, snow and ice gone hooray, 10 degrees now and last week it was -10!

17 Dec, 2017


Don't rub it in - there's no snow here, but I'm watching the ice form outside at this moment! All the rain we had today (and there was lots) has gone, but anything wet is now freezing - we don't get your mild air until Wednesday...

17 Dec, 2017


The weather report said it ranged from -4 in parts of England to 15 in Scotland today.

19 Dec, 2017


Hope your ice has now gone Bamboo.
It’s very odd isn’t it GreenF. Last week Tring in Hertfordshire had lots of snow (my work colleagues there were snowed in) and it was a lot milder in the north.

20 Dec, 2017


Yep, all gone, much milder today, finally - foggy instead now! Such a delight, the weather this time of year (not!)

20 Dec, 2017


Anythings better than ice though, isn't it & it's the shortest day today - roll on summer, lol

21 Dec, 2017


All good now, were on the up!

21 Dec, 2017

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