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Bauhinia variegata - Orchid Tree

Bauhinia variegata - Orchid Tree (Bauhinia variegata - Orchid Tree)

This Orchid tree is a few weeks early in flowering. They typically start flowering towards the end of January. This tree doesn't have as large and as fragrant flowers as the Hong Kong Orchid tree (Bauhinia x blakeana). Photo taken Jan. 1, 2018.

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Usually Bauhinia variegata flowers after dropping most of its leaves and flowers in spring (Feb- March).Photo seems to be of Bauhinia purpurea which flowers in winter with most of its leaves

7 Jan, 2018


It could be B. purpurea. However, I've documented this tree a long time. B. variegata is a very common tree, especially as a street tree. B. variegata looses its leaves after it flowers and has all the long bean pods (it looks unattractive in April), then it starts to grow again.

Bauhinia forficata usually flowers in summer.

7 Jan, 2018


Wow what a beautiful display it gives very pretty.

7 Jan, 2018

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