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Betula albosinenis Chinese Ruby

Betula albosinenis Chinese Ruby

After seeing this at the local arboretum I had to have one ..... mine is about 2 feet high (tiny).

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Lovely colour bark it might be 2ft tall nut at least you have one ☺ it will be nice to see your grow with us to see each year.

7 Jan, 2018


I can see why you fell for it.....

9 Jan, 2018


Stunning isn't it

9 Jan, 2018


Sure is.....

10 Jan, 2018


Really gentle coloured bark. Yes, I can see why you needed to have this!

21 Jan, 2018


I cant wait for it to mature Karen :-)

21 Jan, 2018


Gonna have to Dawn! Lol!

21 Jan, 2018


Robert at Bluebell says, when people ask him when is the best time to plant a tree - he responds with, "10 years ago!" From my experience, this is very true lol

21 Jan, 2018


It is, isn’t it! I just ordered another sapling of Malus ‘Comptesse de Paris’ for the Golden border. Luckily, Crab Apples are fairly quick to grow and you can enjoy their blossom and fruit very early on. Some trees, like my beloved Acer griseum, take ages to make an impact.

23 Jan, 2018


So you have a A griseum Karen, whoo. Very slow growing aren't they but over the last 7 years mine has probably trebled in size. I was looking on a site the other day and they're £90+ now for a tiny tree!
Your new Malus sounds nice, I was looking at a yellow fruiting one when I bought Evereste, name escapes me, yours should look great in the golden border.

24 Jan, 2018


No, I don’t have one Dawn. Its not going to happen I’m afraid. But that’s OK. I don’t have lots of plants that I love because they won’t grow here. The two yellow ones that I know of are Golden Hornet and Comptesse de Paris. But there may be others.

24 Jan, 2018


Yes that’s it, Golden Hornet was the one Karen but I opted for Everest’s as yours was so lovely. I’m beginning to accept some plants just don’t like my conditions too.

24 Jan, 2018


I think you made the right decision Dawn. Golden Hornet is quite a stocky tree. It doesn’t have the pretty elegance of Evereste...nor of Comtesse De Paris.

24 Jan, 2018


Thanks Karen

25 Jan, 2018

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