The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Wee Coffee.


By Stan510

Wee Coffee. (Coffea arabica (Cafe))

Some day it will give me a cup of coffee beans. Cymbidium orchid leafs to the left.

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Your little coffee tree looks great! It must be liking all the rain.

1 Mar, 2018


Thanks Andy. No wilting this time of year. Summer and it changes. Mulch more ..but it likes its water.

2 Mar, 2018


Yes, it's a water-lover! I wish I had my 8' tall coffee tree. :>(( It was so beautiful!

I visited my friend tonight. I gave him a seedling from my coffee tree about 4 or 5 years ago. It's now as tall as mine used to be, and full of coffee cherries. I still do have a couple of seedlings that popped up in last years rains (they were seeds that fell to the ground and germinated, before I cut my dead coffee tree down).

3 Mar, 2018


Also..its the tree roots in this yard. They rule all and fill the yard. It took me awhile to realize that the days of planting in it are gone. Most everything under that tree's radius is in pots. Monstera and a tree fern and the Howea palms holding their own. Still,to move the coffee plant would make it hard to water enough. My other yards are ALoe's and like that.

5 Mar, 2018


I appears to really like that spot. Is it protected by the tree?

6 Mar, 2018

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