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Lachenalia aloides


By Meanie

Lachenalia aloides (Lachenalia aloides)

A South African winter blooming bulb.

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I really like the South African bulbs. I have thought about growing some Lachenalias, but always got distracted by the Moraeas & Gladiolus.

8 Mar, 2018


Those flowers look like they belong to a succulent. Thanks for sharing Keith. I’ve never heard of this.

8 Mar, 2018


In the thumbnail on my home page it looked like a Red Hot Poker! So I was surprised to see that it actually a winter flowering bulb! Very nice flowers all the same!

9 Mar, 2018


I do like the colour...

9 Mar, 2018


Wylie - I've ordered some seed for G.gracillis. But I suspect that there will be more species Gladioli heading my way too.

Karen, Balcony - I can understand the confusion from a thumbnail. It is actually closely related to Hyacinth and Scilla.

DD - there are some stunning colours in the Lachenalia family. Do you have a cool porch?

11 Mar, 2018


Having just been to S. Africa, I was bewitched by some of their plants.

12 Mar, 2018


The seeds have to be ordered when they become available, but there isn't much you can do before September. I have seeds I just got for Babiana and Sparaxis; and they are in the refrigerator until the fall. If you want seeds of Moraea or Gladiolus, I can stop deadheading them and save some for you. I didn't deadhead the first year, and now I have a lot of seedlings growing. All of those are winter-growing types.

12 Mar, 2018


We do indeed Meanie...

14 Mar, 2018


Seeds are always good Wylie...............

25 Mar, 2018

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This photo is of species Lachenalia aloides.

This photo is of "Lachenalia aloides" in Meanie's garden

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