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Rock fig..


By Stan510

Rock fig.. (Ficus palmeri)

Native to Baja has hairy not smooth leaves and can take lowest humidity outdoors. It's habitat are canyons where it can find water. One of those Ficus that send roots down a few hundred feet underground to seek water whne droughts hit.

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My Ficus palmeri has smooth leaves, not hairy leaves. lol! I wonder if mine is a different variety. My plants was originally sold as Ficus petiolaris. I know it's not because petiolaris has much darker leaves.

12 Mar, 2018


I had Ficus petiolaris and it killed me when it died after 20 years and a fat caudex. Plus it had red veined leaves.
It went too long unwatered when we had house repairs three years ago. I didn't think I had pushed it that hard.
Hard to water with power cords all over the place.

F.petiolaris is the more attractive of the two..but Ficus Palmeri at second best looking is not so bad!.

12 Mar, 2018


Also Andy..every other F.palmeri I've seen is hairy leafed. UC Berkeley's is probably where mine originated as a cutting decades ago.

12 Mar, 2018


I'll have to check under the leaves and see if they have tomentum on them.

Yes, I see F. petiolaris for sale a lot here. The leaves are shinny with those attractive red vines. One day I'll buy one. Ficus here always seems to take over! The only Ficus I have that's more manageable is F. buxifolia. It's a beautiful weeping tree.

12 Mar, 2018


F.petiolaris is probably the most yard friendly Ficus of them all. The trunk when grown in the ground are very attractive..not shallow rooted from the photo's Ive seen.
I should order another one.

12 Mar, 2018


F. petiolaris can grow quite large in time, though. It is a very attractive tree, though. I still think F. buxifolia is more attractive, though. :>))

13 Mar, 2018

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