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Kojo no mai

Kojo no mai

Comments on this photo


Is it kojo no mai ? Beautiful isn't it ... Mine hasn't started yet :)

27 Mar, 2018


Thank you Hywel for the name I forgot it lol yes it is I shall look forward to seeing yours soon I love them. ☺

27 Mar, 2018


We have one too and it is nothing like this yet but hopefully it will be soon!

27 Mar, 2018


Don't know if the bad weather's killed mine off Thruppenybit :(

28 Mar, 2018


I doubt it Hywel have you got it in the ground as mine has survived every freezing winter here even the hoar frost we had in 2010 it just might be late coming out you having the cold weather later than us.

28 Mar, 2018


They take time a slow grower Wildrose I have noticed this winter being colder than the past few winters it has produced better flowers .

28 Mar, 2018


It's in a pot so maybe it will be later.

29 Mar, 2018


Yes I have my fingers crossed for you Hywel but I do think it will be ok .

29 Mar, 2018


Thank you :) x

30 Mar, 2018



30 Mar, 2018


Looking good ... its a really good variety ... mine in flower now as well and I agree they are tough plants ... but you need to keep well waterd in the summer if needed


31 Mar, 2018


Thank you Gnarly gnome I shall look forward to seeing yours. I ll remember the watering if we ever get a summer lol this one is in the shade late afternoon sun.

31 Mar, 2018


They normally bloom more in full sun so yours must get a couple of hours sun late afternoon ... the bees love this plant as well ... well if its warmish !!!


31 Mar, 2018


Yes it does its this part as where the full hits my garden there is a big tree from the church that over hangs my garden as do the roots come in there so its poor soil. Yes when the sun was out fora day last week two bees were on it.

31 Mar, 2018


Must of been the same day as I saw a huge queen bumble bee


31 Mar, 2018


It likely was Gnarly gnome there was a huge one out side Aldi in Bedworth a little town where I shop beginning of March I could nt believe they were out that early

31 Mar, 2018


If warm enough they will venture out for a quick meal ...


31 Mar, 2018


Ahrr I see makes you wonder how they survive the cold does nt it.

31 Mar, 2018

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