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Herbertia lahue with friend

Herbertia lahue with friend

I was taking photos when this little guy flew in and started loading up on pollen. That is some sort of fly in the upper center part, covered with pollen.

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Wonderful close up.

25 Apr, 2018


This is the "problem" if you get a bigger camera: First you get a lens for the far away things, then you realize you need one for these really close-up shots. Then before you know it, you have 5 or 6 lenses and the one you need is back in the house. I'm still trying for a good shot of the buzzards flying around.

26 Apr, 2018


Lol so True Wylie . You ll have to find some thing to entice those buzzards closer ?

26 Apr, 2018


That is one to seek out. Very nice indeed.

4 May, 2018


It is one of the last Moraea to bloom here.

5 May, 2018

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