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Stargazer Lily - at it's peak


By Lori

Stargazer Lily - at it's peak

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Clear and sharp photo Lori.

6 Aug, 2008


Mmmmmm..... Don't they smell so good, I believe you can smell them for a country mile !

11 Aug, 2008


These are first season. I bought the bulbs this spring...but the bulbs that have been in the ground for four seasons now...bloomed and finished first...also the petals on the new ones are frilled and twisted...just slightly over the top, if you ask me!... Same plant supposedly but the flowers seem almost distorted and the scent is not as strong...wonder what's up?

11 Aug, 2008


These look just like some I planted last fall, ,same color and curvy petals with only a slight fragrance.They weren't stargazer though, wish I' d wrote the names of these down darn it, I used to be so good about labeling everything in a journal, but I've gotten very slack about it in the last few years. Besides, my oriental lilies never last for more than two years anyway, no sense in writing them down, the voles love them even more than I do ...~

11 Aug, 2008


I bought these at HomeDepot...they were labelled Stargazer...and I bought them because the stargazers I had were in their second year...and I wanted a continuation because they add so much lovely scent to the garden...I had plans to use this site as a kind of journal and blog...rolled into one! but intentions sometimes don't become reality and I have thought many times that I must remember to write down different observations...but never have... never enough time. I'm starting the firepit..and I'm moving a whole bed so I'm tired, sore and dirty when I finish in the garden...not the time to sit down at the I lose some details to senior memory~~ time to go back to the tried and where did I leave my pen?!!!

12 Aug, 2008

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