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Fiery Skipper butterfly


By Tasteyg

Fiery Skipper butterfly

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excellent shot

6 Aug, 2008


Well Tasteyg this pic is fantastic, beautiful moth but ooh its making me go cold,
don't like to be near them! Great shot though, well done!

6 Aug, 2008


Janey- I'm a little freakish about moths aswell, but these guys are so small and pretty they don't bug me. Thanks for the compliment :)

7 Aug, 2008


You too Irish :)

7 Aug, 2008


Hi Tasteyg this pic is fab :) Love the moths colour :)

7 Aug, 2008


Hi Jacque- Thanks.
I've been seeing the swallowtails fly by...but they don't land when I'm around!! I've been looking for plants that attract butterflies, but I haven't found any on my list...yet.
These two moths were very busy around the lavender yesterday :)

7 Aug, 2008


Sounds great watching the Swallowtails Tasteyg good luck in getting a pic of them :)Finding Plants 2 attract butterflys should be easy? Let me know the search goes ok :)

7 Aug, 2008


I thought so too Jacque! I have a short list: Aster, Sea Holly, Bee Balm, Yarrow, and Rudbeckia. I have some butterfly attracting plants already like Columbine, Lilac, English Lavender...but they are done blooming for now. My Shasta Daisy, Cone flower and Passion vine are in bloom now, but no takers.
I see the Swallowtails when I'm in the house, through the window...I run out with the camera and they flutter off and I say, Damn!

7 Aug, 2008


Sounds like a good List uv got there Tasteyg :) good luck in finding them 2 add2your garden & i cant wait2see the Swallowtails :)

7 Aug, 2008


For attracting butterfly, you might try the Butterfly Plant - Buddleia Davidii. I have several and the butterflies and hummingbirds just love 'em.

8 Aug, 2008


Thanks for the tip, but they get pretty big don't they?

8 Aug, 2008


Yes if you let them. But they can be kept to a more compact size if they are pruned down to the ground in spring before new growth begins.

9 Aug, 2008


Hey, i can't comment on all your macro shots. Very nice and great composition

16 Aug, 2008


Thanks Guybinn :)

17 Aug, 2008


Think this is a Fiery Skipper Tasteyg, theres a great site, Native American Butterflies where you can see the pics of them all.

8 Sep, 2008


Janey- Thanks a lot for the info about the site. I check it out :)

8 Sep, 2008

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