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Crinum x powellii

Crinum x powellii (Crinum x powelli (Crinum))

Different from the Crinum moorei. This is a hybrid of [C. moorei x (C. bulbispermum x C. moorei)]. There is also a light pink one which has put up a stalk. This has flowers that are more erect than C. moorei and have very short pedicels.

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Gorgeous one Wylie.

11 Jun, 2018


Thanks. I wanted to try something different than the usual species that grows here.

12 Jun, 2018


Stunning. There's something about the purity of a white flower I love.

12 Jun, 2018


Its nice to try some thing different your lucky to have the good weather there for them and other plants.

12 Jun, 2018


We have the warmth for this, but this year, there has been very little rain in the past month; and we haven't hit the dry season, yet.

13 Jun, 2018


At least the bulbs wont rot with to much rain I tey and look on the bright side. Shame though you have nt had much rain though for the rest of your plants do you mulch to help through dry spells.

13 Jun, 2018

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