The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

French Marigold


By Amy2

French Marigold

Seed kindly sent to me from Paul ( Bathgate ) NY . Thanks Paul they are a lovely addition to my new garden ..

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Looks familiar! lol. Nice to see them growing for you Amy.

20 Jun, 2018


Lovely photo of a Marigold, Amy!

24 Jun, 2018


Love them, should have planted some this Summer!!

16 Aug, 2018


I like to see them & even grew some a couple of years ago but generally I don't like their smell! It always reminds of as a kid in London living in a basement & ground floor flat & the old man who lived on the third floor & had window boxes full of French Marigolds. Every day he would throw the dead flowers down outside our living room window & they stank!!! 😱

I did grow some amongst the tomatoes I grew on the allotment I shared with Gerry one year & I also grew some in Trinity Free Church gardens for s couple of years. But generally I detest their smell though I love the little plants with their intensely bright coloured flowers.

21 Aug, 2018


Funny how a smell can remind you of bad times David ,I don't like the smell of privet hedge flowers they bring back unhappy memories of living with an aunt in Hounslow I was 3 years old my mother had died ,but then nice scents bring back happy memories as well don't they ...

22 Aug, 2018


Honeysuckle has that affect on me Amy- happy times of going to Day Camp when I was a little tyke, lol. That's because I remember honeysuckle always wafting through the campsite, especially when we did the lollipop hunt, lol.

22 Aug, 2018


That sounds fun Paul did you always find your share of lollipops ?, I love the scent of newly mown grass they should bottle it :o) also pine trees there was a small wooded area near us when I was a youngster my friend and I had a name for every tree we spent all our time climbing them and doing what we called acrobats on them we weren't very girlie more Tom boys ,we're still best of friends today ...our hands use to be sticky with pine resin it was so hard to remove ...

22 Aug, 2018


Yes, Amy, scents & smells have a way of invoking past memories! Most people it seems like you like the smell of freshly cut grass but I hate it! Yet I can't get away from it while living here as the council gardeners cut the patch of grass (my wife & I jokingly call "our lawn") & there is an awful lot of it all over town! Then there's people's gardens! Aaaaggg!

23 Aug, 2018


Lol at least you don't have the job of mowing ' your ' lawn Paul .... Have you seen the blog I did showing the plants I've grown from your seeds ? ...

23 Aug, 2018


Did I find my share of lollipops? I found quite a few, but my sister ate most of them. That pine smell to me is the smell of Christmas when we brought in the live Christmas tree.

26 Aug, 2018

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This photo is of "French Marigold " in Amy2's garden

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