Codiaeum variegatum 'Mammy' - Croton
By Delonix1

24 Jun, 2018
My Croton 'Mammy' is growing many new leaves after loosing several in the hot sun in January after my neighbor cut her giant bottlebrush back to the main trunk. It was just moved into more shade a few days ago. Posted for Stan. Photo taken June 24, 2018.
Comments on this photo
Looks perfect. My 'Curly Boy' resembles Mammy,but smaller all around- so far.
You need to put that near a door entrance Andy- the more people who see it the better since even in San Diego,they have to be a rare site.
Much,much cooler today..morning fog too. Ugh. Cant even have 3 warm days in a row this year without the fog. I read that ocean temps are 52f off of SF, 73f off of Redwood City( the bay!) and 49f of off Bodega Bay. We are back to pre drought water temperatures.
25 Jun, 2018
Yes, it appears to be recovering very well. It started growing small leaves after its leaves were burned off.
26 Jun, 2018
Yes I can see lots of green on it I assume tge red few leaves is where it got burned.
26 Jun, 2018
Yes, the green is the new leaves. The red leaves is its natural coloration. The green leaves will eventually turn yellow and red.
This is what it used to look like last summer.
26 Jun, 2018
Thank I ll take a look.
26 Jun, 2018
My Curly Boy- basically a smaller leaved Mammy is also growing fine if compact. Petra or something like it is really not doing all that great.
Whatever I had four years ago- that yellow and orange? Did much better in the summer.
8 Jul, 2018
Sorry I forgot to respond to your first comment!
Yes, my Mammy Croton is growing very well. It has grown a lot in just the last couple of really loves the heat!
I mostly see Petra and Angel Wing types of Crotons grown in the gardens here. I saw a Plumeria show on KPBS this past weekend. One of the big incredible Plumeria gardens has so many large crotons growing in it. I was spectacular!
10 Jul, 2018
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It s recovered really well Andy good its in a pot making it easy to move.
25 Jun, 2018