Bulbine (Semibarbata?) (For my File)
By Siris

11 Jul, 2018
First photo a fructescens I saw in South Africa. The second grown from bought UK seed. Very disappointed with my plants as not the same variety as the S African one nor the one I saw in Meanies pics which apparently is called Hallmark. I already have lots of the yellow, it seeds profusely and is hardy for me.
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I've got a Bulbinella hookeri, a little alpine plant I bought from a specialist nursery, not these seedlings, which is apparently just a yellow version of Bulbine.
Thank you Meanie, but I wouldn't like you to compromise your plant.
12 Jul, 2018
I must admit that I was dubious but a local succulent expert looked at mine and said yes. It is a variable species apparently.
12 Jul, 2018
Meanie, You said yours is a variety called 'Hallmark' and didn't produce much/ any seed, mine probably is the type. You can have some of this if you want, I find it's hardy outside OR because it seeds so easily acts as a replacement annual.
13 Jul, 2018
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This photo is of species Bulbine (semibarbata?).
This photo is of "Bulbine (semibarbata?)" in Siris's garden
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Yup, the yellow one is actually Bulbinella hookeri which is a totally different genus and rather invasive!
I can take a cutting from my Bulbine if you want. It never sets seed for me.
12 Jul, 2018