IMG 7471- one of two hosta planted in sand and full sun...
By Lori

22 Jul, 2018
yellow and struggling. it's to rain for most of today and overnight. Hurray!
Comments on this photo
we haven't got as much as was forecast, Penny. It's been constant cloud and overcast, muggy and hot this afternoon but only the odd drop. still more strange weather..what's normal anymore, though?
23 Jul, 2018
Same here Lori with cloudy one minute sunny hot skies the next. Sorry you did nt get what was forecast . Yes what is normal now who can tell what we will get next.
23 Jul, 2018
Hi Penny! The other hosta, that I spoke of in the caption above, is the same var. and in the same conditions, but has been discovered by the deer... all the top leaves have been eaten away and a new flush of fresh leaves are rising from the stubs. All blossoms popping everywhere since the rain. Blessed Rain! hope you're getting some rain too!
28 Jul, 2018
Thats great your Hosta is coming back you have the deer we get the slugs and snails. Sounds lovely every thing popping its head up since you had rain . No Lori all for a few minutes of a down pour of rain the other evening which was nt much here in Coventry we have nt had any.
28 Jul, 2018
It looks beautiful! At least it's still green. It's so super dry here you wouldn't believe it.
30 Jul, 2018
From California to Coventry to Matawatchan...we're all waiting for rain. Next two days are going to be scorchers. 41 Deg. C. with humidex. plenty of clouds slurping up any remaining moisture and taking it who-knows-where. Streams have dried is wilting...and in 4 or 5 days I'll probably be complaining of all the rain! How fast it changes. ...but for now, it would be lovely to have some shade.
5 Aug, 2018
We're dealing with another horrible heatwave on top of really hot weather! UGH! That 41ÂșC will be our temps with the humidity on top of it! This summer is turning out to be a horribly HOT summer!
I hope you receive some good beneficial rains! I know you're not used to such dry conditions. Here, at least I'm used to the very long dry season. It doesn't help that it's the 2nd driest year on record, though. The trees are being severely stressed! There's so many fires in California because there's hundreds of millions of trees dying here. This was according to Cal Fire.
7 Aug, 2018
We have had some rain, but not nearly enough to replenish. We had a scare with our well and pump...thank goodness that's been explained and is now functional.
How do you manage with such heat? I'd spend all day in the bathtub! lol... Does San Diego now have water from the desalination plant?
I think humanity has pressed poor old mother earth too much. Nuc reactors in Japan have probably gone China Syndrome, the Cern explosion in 2014 (?) ..was not expected or coherently explained, the fringe are shouting about con trails... Fires are raging in Indonesia, Europe, North America and South sheets the size of Rhode Island are breaking off of Antarctica, and Polar Bears are dying from a lack of ice in the Arctic, there's a gyre of garbage in the Mid Pacific, and we're in the midst of the next great extinction... I feel guilty that I live where I much nature all around me but I can do nothing to protect it from the weather machine. It's so dry that my lovely sugar maples near my house are looking dry and dead... the leaves were stripped by worms earlier and now the trees are pressed to regenerate the leaf cover that's necessary to maintain their viability with very little water. I watched the movie 2012 the other night and had to turn it off... just didn't want to go
time for some vanilla icecream! Do you think the tree might be related to the vanilla orchid? it's a legume, right?
7 Aug, 2018
We got lots of rain here now Lori it s been raining all week.
12 Aug, 2018
All those huge slurpy clouds we've had. They've taken our moisture and sent it to Coventry! lol... Glad you're getting the moisture, Penny! will look forward to the rennaisance pics... x
13 Aug, 2018
Lol I think they have Lori. Well today it's warm and humid first day it has nt rained. It's it rain photos you are asking for.
Australia in parts has it bad it's distroyed the sheep crops sonothing to feed them on so dry they are having to sell their cattle and sheep as a lot have died.
13 Aug, 2018
I'm sure the plants most in need have rebounded by now, Penny. ...more pics to post?
It's the Australian WINTER! That's what amazes me...and it's so sad to see the fires. I understand that there's a natural replenishing of soils etc, and a type of clensing that follows a burn but disasters on that scale tend to leave us without a rationale. Meat prices will go down, with the glut on the market but what of next season? just terrible.
14 Aug, 2018
I have some pictures I forgot to post my roses but as my phone has broken where the photos are on I can't post them until my grandson retrieves them one of my Camellias is dying and lost others which I ll get my grandson to dig them out.
Yes I think the market will be affected next year with all the fires . Yes Australia in winter does nt sound good does it a few years ago they were flooded weired weather but they have said the poles have started to tip started back in 2004.
14 Aug, 2018
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So pleased for you Lori I am sure those Hostas will appreciate the rain.
23 Jul, 2018