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Poor Mango Tree (Mangifera indica)

Poor Mango Tree (Mangifera indica) (Mango Tree (Mangifera indica))

This poor mango tree is so loaded with fruit, it's bending this tree almost over to ground. Unfortunately, the fruit is not too visible with the olive tree and pomegranate in the way. This tree should never be allowed to hold so many mangoes. Photo taken Aug. 8, 2018.

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That whole yard is seriously underwatered. The Aeoniums are near dormant.
The Mango has a nice trunk on it. That's got to be pushing a decade old.

11 Aug, 2018



This yard is extremely dry. This tree is so loaded with fruit, which should have been thinned out. It causing a lot of stress on this tree. It's been in the ground for about 6 years. It would be bigger and nicer if it had been taken care of.

It's so funny the mango grove I see on the way to work had trees this size. Those trees were planted in spring of 2017 and are loaded with very nice fruit! When they were planted I think they were only 4 or 5' tall.

12 Aug, 2018


Then get picking and eating them lol if it should nt hold that many. I am sure people especially kids would scrum them here.

12 Aug, 2018


It's too bad that this tree isn't getting enough water. I'm sure the mangoes would be excellent, if it was well watered.

15 Aug, 2018


What a shame.

15 Aug, 2018


Yes, it is. This tree would be a lot larger, also. It's very neglected.

15 Aug, 2018


You could knock on their door and say your from the spcp Society prevention cruelty to plants and your taking it into care lol

15 Aug, 2018


I know, right? lol!

16 Aug, 2018


Mine aborted some palm sized fruit...I think I over fertilized it. Lost them on 2 or 3 now have them on lower branches.
I guessed I pushed too hard ( the Seeds 1967!) on them!

16 Aug, 2018


Sorry to hear about that. Mango trees are very touchy about nitrogen fertilizers. I think that's what killed my Keitt mango tree, not being crowded out. I used to give it tons of chelated 16-16-16. I read mango trees hate chemical fertilizers. I guess, live and learn.

I know when mango trees have fruit they like quite a bit of water, though. They need the micro-nutrients.

16 Aug, 2018


This was the first time it dropped sizeable fruit...actually,the fruit themselves shrunk to nothing..but brown things not as I said ( out of habit) dropped. I think what looked like a record harvest might be like last year..8 or 9.
I do have the pea sized still going. Interesting that only the first blooms went bad.
I water it pretty good Andy..every other day when warm..less when the fog cools things down.
I also took the sprayer off the hose..I want as much water as I can put on my plants when I water by hand. Makes a difference.

16 Aug, 2018


It may have just been too much fruit for the tree to nourish. Hopefully, the second crop will ripen before it start to get too cool there!

23 Aug, 2018

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This photo is of species Mango Tree (Mangifera indica).

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