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Calostemma purpurea

Calostemma purpurea

A fall blooming bulb. It likes warm, dry summers and flowers before the foliage comes up.

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What a beauty those stamens look great against the coloured petals.

29 Aug, 2018


Very pretty color. Is this a kind of agapanthus?

30 Aug, 2018


This is an Australian member of the Amaryllidaceae family. It has a few thin leaves that will remain green if watered, but it is best left to die back and dry out. Almost immediately after flowering started, the leaves began to grow.

30 Aug, 2018


Wylie, has a pictorial of the,much lusher then the bay area. Seem's ideal for a climate. To me anything over 84f is too hot. 75-80f is ideal.
The Azores might be nicer then the Canary Islands.

31 Aug, 2018


I looked at the photos - he is over on that other island, São Miguel. Too many tourists over there, which translates into higher prices. Those are actually common front yard plants. The tree ferns (Dicksonia species) that I have in my woods just popped up after the road in front was widened and paved. This last summer has been hard with a lack of rain - the dent corn is about half the normal size, so farmers are going to need to buy food for all the cows they have.

1 Sep, 2018


I had to look up the climate there..yes,a blend of bay area summer and winter highs...but your winter lows are much warmer .zone 11 or 12. I have 10a..lows can touch freezing a night or two a winter. SF is 10b..never a frost,but does get to high 30's on coldest nights of the year as you remember.
There,a small greenhouse would make Tahiti temps most of the year.
June and July still have a weekdays worth of regular rain the whole year.
I could live on 400 square miles and on the outskirts of a town. Happily.

2 Sep, 2018


We are getting fewer nights in the winter where the temperature gets below 50° - only 3 or 4 last year. I noticed on the other site that people claim it is green here during the summer, but it is very brown around here. With the few showers we have had lately, it is finally turning green, especially the weeds that the cows won't touch, like Mentha species. My winter-growing bulbs are starting to come up; and finally the first Amaryllis belladonna flowers are about to open. The white ones I have are usually the first, but no scapes so far. I have 'Rose Fonce', which is a darker pink than the species, and it will be open in the next couple of days. No sign of the regular pink ones in my garden, but I have seen them open on the other side of the island.

2 Sep, 2018

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