Costello in the Garden
By Bathgate
- 9 Oct, 2018
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He seems to be concentrating very hard on something Paul, a bird maybe ...
10 Oct, 2018
LOL possibly, he's kinda shy about being outdoors. I don't know why.
10 Oct, 2018
Now there's a fine cat!
10 Oct, 2018
:) He is a handsome fella. He's come a long way since his days at the shelter when I adopted him- He's got his own garden now. Thank you.
12 Oct, 2018
Paul I strongly believe a rescued animal will always be loyal to you somehow they know ,we rescued a kitten she lived for 23 years she would never go out of the garden we still miss her ...
12 Oct, 2018
Oh sorry you lost your kitty Amy, but sounds like she lived a long happy life. They just want to be loved. I think you are right. Costello never leaves the yard either. He only goes out in the garden for a couple hours. But when my mom comes to visit, Costello follows her everywhere and jumps in her lap to snuggle. He brings me 'presents' all the time including various things from around the garden including insects & mice.
12 Oct, 2018
Doesn't seem that long since you were saying he would run away and hide! They do respond to loving kindness.
12 Oct, 2018
I remember well the presents Paul .mice mostly ,I had a fright one day when I saw what I thought was a rat dash behind the freezer in the porch Marmy had brought in a baby rabbit ...
14 Oct, 2018
oh, they're deft hunters Amy. Poor bunny, I hope it survived. I think by now the mice know to keep away but once Costello brought me a lizard, still alive. Who knew we had lizards? Luckily I was able to save it, that time.
14 Oct, 2018
Yes we were able to catch the bunny Paul we put it back in the field .. we had a rescued dog at the same time we went indoors one day to find them both cat & dog racing round the house we thought they had gone mad until we saw this little mouse diving for cover ,they were working well between them driving it to one end ..
14 Oct, 2018
LOL, that must have bedlem! Sounds like coordinated team work. Did they catch the mouse? I'll never forget the fright I had when I heard my dishes & utensils rattling in the middle of the night. I was alone in the house, upstairs in bed. Yet my dishes in the kitchen downstairs were banging around, forks & spoons were dropping on the floor. I thought my house was haunted (I've seen too many movies). I went down to find a mouse stuck in a glue trap, struggling to get free. That's when I adopted Costello from the shelter. Never seen another mouse since.
14 Oct, 2018
I'm afraid the little mouse didn't escape there was nothing we could do they were so quick . ..
That would have scared me hearing that noise in the night Costello has earned his keep and loving friendship ...
14 Oct, 2018
Costello looks so content, and his fur is lovely. The last two cats that we had were adopted....both had been in three homes and ours was the fourth, but they turned out to be fine with us and we gave them lots of love, and they sure returned it.
17 Oct, 2018
Thanks Linda, lots of love & patience is key. Costello has never been outdoors nor outside of a crowed cage before me. He had to learn to walk/run & trust me at 4 months old. Now he's grown into a handsome fella. As you said, he now has much love to give. His fur is so lush & silky smooth, it's hard to resist.
19 Oct, 2018
The last Siamese that we had wouldn't come near me for a couple of months, and she'd never been outside Paul. It took her a while to regain her confidence with us but with perseverance we got there, and she went outside too.
19 Oct, 2018
Yes, they eventually learn that this world is for them too. At first I would have to hold him when outdoors & every little thing would make him jump - the wind, a butterfly, an airplane. Now he wakes me up at 5am excited to go outside so he can run & run all he wants. He loves to explore the garden.
19 Oct, 2018
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He seems to be enjoying him self having a rest lovely photo for your album Paul.
9 Oct, 2018