Fuchsia 'Rose of Denmark'
By Hywel

16 Oct, 2018
Very few flowers this year, and they've been several weeks apart too :(
Comments on this photo
Thank you. I've had it many years.
17 Oct, 2018
Agree with Thorneyside lovely rose colour.
19 Oct, 2018
It's old and keeps going year after year … something like me but prettier :D lol
19 Oct, 2018
Lol Hywel your handsome Hywel you don't want to be pretty now do you 😊
It s done so well coming back every year.
20 Oct, 2018
lol X
20 Oct, 2018
hi Hywel trying to locate a fuchsia you showed that you have called Winifred, my niece is doing a memory garden with family's favourite flowers in and my late mums name was Winifred can you help please
27 Apr, 2020
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
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That's a beauty too Hywel.
17 Oct, 2018