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Remontant Iris


By Siris

Remontant Iris (Iris)

Reblooming Iris. Five buds on the one stalk. If it turns really cold, as predicted, this weekend, this flower will turn to mush. It has a scent too, but only really discernable in warm weather

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Ah lets hope it lasts a little longer !

19 Nov, 2018


No such luck, flowers and buds have turned to mush.

19 Nov, 2018


No, HB, the bloom would have collapsed immediately in the warmth, also I never cut flowers for the house.

29 Nov, 2018


mine never had a chance. Winter came in October.

5 Dec, 2018


Just seen your recent blog about your cold snap. We are so wet here in the South at the moment but the daytime temperature is an unseasonal 14-15 oC. Ground is soddened. At least that snow acts as an insulating layer, hope your ground drains well when it thaws.

5 Dec, 2018


There's sure to be a raging torrent next spring, Siris. No water in my little stream all summer long and now it's running high.

5 Dec, 2018


Nature seems to even itself out, we had such drought-like conditions this summer. I've another reflowering Iris in bud (as it's one of my own crosses I've no ideas of the colour, but I don't think it will open.

7 Dec, 2018


that is a pity. of course you'll find out eventually, but could you cloche it or as we often do in late fall over here, just tent it in plastic for a week or so?

7 Dec, 2018


That Iris bud is not looking good, all squelchy. I'll just have to be patient till it flowers another time.

7 Dec, 2018

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