The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Giant Old Man Cactus.


By Stan510

Giant Old Man Cactus. (Cephalocereus senilis (Mexican Old Man))

You've seen them at every garden center. Here is one about 20' and maybe 40 years old in Hayward.

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Fancy having them outside! You live in a different world Stan!

20 Nov, 2018


Its a wonder to me what plants from climates that rarely have a cold day,can be grown in the SF bay area..knows for a cool med maritime weather. I wish tropical fish were the same!

21 Nov, 2018


O.M.G. !!!

27 Nov, 2018


I posted this pic on Cactus and Succulent boards and they thought I Photoshopped this photo! One from Arizona said he's seen a million old men cactus and none were half the height of this.
So I posted its photo from Google maps. Proof!
Looks even taller on Google -wink.

3 Dec, 2018

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